Set in the mythical world of Kerovnia, this amusing and complex tale is subtle enough to appeal to the beginner and hardened adventurer
alike. A revolutionary text-handling system allows input of complicated sentences and complete interaction with characters (including some
very intelligent animals!).
The Pawn represents all its characters
and objects as if they existed in a real world, storing complex
information about their attributes and properties linked to their
particular position or context in the game.
Your objectives are manyfold: The simpliest is to escape from Kerovnia,
but you will find others as you wander about the land and communicate
with the characters you meet.
The Pawn combines a rich text adventure,
with stunning colour graphics, and a language parser that will set
the standards for years to come.
Official Magnetic Scrolls Solution Book (original scans donated by John P. King, PDF by Christian Kruse)
Unprotect PC version
Password list
Ami Cheat's Page Solve
A Tale of Kerovnia - plain text
Alternative map (unknown author)
The original music score of The Pawn in DeliTracker custom format. To play use e.g. Deliplayer or UADE