Used with kind permission by Richard Karsmakers from ST NEWS. This interview originally appeared in Volume 4 Issue 4, released in August 1989.


Summer 1989 by Richard Karsmakers and Stefan Posthuma

After arriving at the Magnetic Scrolls building, we started upward, and entered the office. It was a large office spread over several considerable rooms, mainly occupied by a couple of desks on which some Apple systems and a VAX minicomputer were located. Some of Anita's colleagues looked at us as if they were amazed at the new boundaries discovered in the 'how low can a reporter go' field. On one of the walls of the biggest room, a map of an adventure game (probably the upcoming one about which they were pretty secretive) hung on the wall, together with some (excellent) screenshots of its various locations (that had foto-quality to say the least). Later, when we tried to take pictures there, we were forbidden to do that - probably because of that map. Looking as if we had just played "Dungeon Master" - not the game but the REAL thing, with some extra sun in it - we let the backpacks slide to the ground, carefully avoiding them (or us) being eaten by a menacing bull terrier that roamed the office. We stretched our backs, and generally acted like 80-year olds that just got out of bed. When I wanted to let the animal smell at my hand, someone was just quick enough to prevent me from getting a mistrust towards dogs for the rest of my life. "No," I heard a rather resolute voice warn me, "she bites." The dog was locked in another room, from which it would continue to bark threateningly until it was released - just before we left rather hastily. That same someone (I never did get his name) directed us a couple of rooms further, where Anita Sinclair was patiently waiting for us to be a nuisance to her by pulling off our interview. She was a charming woman with long brown hair, wearing a 'Magnetic Scrolls' T-shirt that I eyed with a certain greed. It was 12:20 on my watch as we sat down, still sighing and trying to relax a bit so that all that perspiration would dry up on our foreheads. We started the interview quickly, because Anita had an important meeting that she would actually have to be at in ten minutes - lucky for us, she would not be too punctual on this one and grant us quite some more time.

Please tell us your place and date of birth - you needn't say the date if you don't want to.
Anita: I don't mind. It's the 20th of November 1962, in Baconsfield.

How did you end up in the computer industry?
Nobody else would have me (laughs). I just found computers interesting, and here I am. I didn't follow any courses - it's all self tought.

What are your other interests besides computers?
Dogs, music, music.

What do you dislike most about the software industry?
The's a joke. The journalists. No (laughs). The hype, I suppose; games that don't live up to the expectations. Licenses. I hate licenses. Licensees should be shot, because all the money goes into the license and not in the program.

What do you consider to be the best game ever launched on the ST?
"The Pawn" (laughs). On the ST? Er..."Dungeon Master".

And the lousiest game?
I don't see lousy games.

What have you done on various computers upto now?
Well, what have we done. We have done five games, which are "The Pawn", "Guild of Thieves", "Jinxter", "Corruption" and "Fish", and we're now working on a sixth product, which is very new and very different. But that won't be out until next year. It will have graphics and it will be absurd - even more absurd than "Fish".

Where did you get the plot of "Fish"?
Do you like "Fish"? (we both nod) Great game, isn't it? It was done by three guys, Phil, Pete and John, and it's very strange; Pete is a taxman, Phil is a journalist and John is a musician. And it's a strange combination. They designed the game and it's completely weird. And we had two guys of us working with them, who are also slightly weird. So we had five guys working on it and it's a great product. My favourites are the "Guild of Thieves" and "Fish".

Do you know a nice joke?
I need a glass of milk for my joke. I am afraid not.

What car do you drive?
An Audi Quattro.

What tools do you/does Magnetic Scrolls use to program, draw, etc.?
It's all in-house. Well, we use some IBM software, but we develop our adventures in our own language. Our old pictures (the ones of all adventures upto now, ED.) were done under "Neochrome"; the new pictures (of the secretive sixth product, ED.) are done using tools we developed ourselves again.

What's your favourite book?
Marquez' "A hundred years of Solitudes".

What's your favourite film?
"The Revenge of Baron Munchhausen".

What's your favourite food?
Beer (laughs). No. Eggs'n'bacon.

And what about your favourite drink?
Sake (the Japanese stuff, ED.).

Your favourite band, then?
I have none. But I like classical music. My favourite composer is Schostekovitch.

Who's the most interesting person in the software industry, do you think?
Hmmm....just thinking. It's rather difficult. There used to be some fascinating people that were constantly astounding but they have all disappeared. Er...most interesting, you said? (We nod, after which there is quite a long pause) I suppose the most interesting person is the chap who does all the Llama stuff, Jeff Minter. Yeah. He's interesting.

What are your main sources of inspiration?
Music, and taking the dog for long walks. I now program little, but I am involved in PR and the creative side of the new game - not the design of the game itself but the design of the look of the game, the way it works.

What's your dog called, by the way?
Murdoch. As in 'Rupert Murdoch'. I named her after him, actually (yes, the dog's a 'she', ED.).

What program are you currently working on?
I can't give a name, as that would give the plot away. It's got a parser. It's got text. It's got graphics. It's massive. It's going to be about 3 megabytes, crammed on two or maybe three ST disks. It's a big product. It's a very appealing product, and it's quite easy to play. It's slightly totally absurd.

What's your opinion about software piracy?
Hmm....I don't think that we can abolish piracy. I think it exists, and I feel in some way it's probably a good thing, because we all listen to the radio, and you will buy what you like - we also borrow books. Piracy is just a worse version of that. I think people who rip off our games and who play them and enjoy them, have a good chance of buying one of our future products. What I absolutely detest is people who simply keep games. People who simply have thousands of games - they don't play them, they've got them, so that they can say to someone "hey look at me - I have a million games." Those people I'd like to see hanging by their earlobes. Because they have no right to my product. People who rip it off and play it and like it might buy one of our future products. I don't like that, but I can't stop it. And we obviously try to stop people from doing that, because we have to earn our living. But I think that people who collect games should be shot.

What do you think of people who have solved your adventures in three days (like Math Claessens)?
In three days? Has he done "Corruption"? Well, if he can solve our games in three games he's lucky. Most people don't ever solve some of our games, judging by the letters we get.

Infocom went broke recently. Do you now employ some of those people?
(Laughs rather secretively) We're talking with them.

How do you design your adventures?
We have three development systems. We've got the VAX, which runs UNIX, and all the machine-dependent stuff gets developed on that. So when we've finished writing a game, we then upload it to the VAX, which does all the cross-compiling for us for the different machines. We then have Mac II's and Xenix machines, which run AU/X and XENT, and we have sub-development systems on that. All our tools are written in C.

What's your worst habit?
I sort of bite my nails, but I can also be a truly irritating person. I can never give up, and that really annoys people. I gave up smoking but I drink a lot of coffee.

What's it like to be female in a world generally dominated by males?
I don't notice. I mean, there's no sexuality involved. There is obviously interest in me because I'm female, but I don't notice it very much. I think it could be an advantage instead of a disadvantage. But it's not something I use: I don't go out of my way to flirt with people or to try and use my femininity above my skills. Magnetic Scrolls, it could be run be a man. It would have the same presence because the products are so good. You know, if we would have substandard products I would have to take my clothes off occasionally. "Buy my product, hey!"

What's your connection to Clive Sinclair (the notorious inventor of Sinclair Computers and various other gadgets, who is braincrunchingly intelligent)?
None from a family point of view apart from the fact that we have the same surnames. He's just a good a friend of mine and I've known him for quite a few years.

What about you playing poker together?
(Laughs) Yeah, once every two months. We're doing it for five or six years now. He doesn't organise them, and nor do I; it's this chap that organises it. It's more a social call than anything else.

Don't you grow tired of doing adventures and wouldn't you like to do something different for a change?
Yes. We'd like to do different things. We are doing different things. But we needed to establish ourselves first. I love adventures. I love playing them. But I'd like to do a really nice role-playing game. I'd like to do a really nice graphics- only adventure. There are lots of things I'd like to explore. And we'll do so for the next couple of years; you'll see some very interesting products coming out of here. Games like "Populous" for instance. That's an amazing game; we'd like to do something like that. It's extraordinary.

What about that interdimensional agent down there? (Stefan points to a goldfish in a bowl, in a corner of Anita's office)
Well I had two of them; one of them died last week. "Fish" is in fact dedicated to its pre-decessor, Slayer.

We finished the interview off with talking a bit about Douglas Adams (absurd writer, ED.), who happens to live next door to Anita. She found him an amazing man, and told us about this special bed that he had made for himself because he is about 6 foot 6. She also found him another major source of inspiration. Not much later we left.